+++ title = 'Facing my fears' date = 2025-02-27T07:07:07-05:00 draft = false categories = ['thoughts'] tags = ['hugo', 'web'] +++ ## Social anxiety or introvert, chicken or egg? I have been an introvert for as long as I can remember, and while I don't want this to turn into a self-help post, suffice it to say that I have never made a personal website primarily because it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Let today be the day that I face my fears and finally launch this site. I have made websites using everything from wordpress to frameworks like Django, and even one for professional work that despite being very complex, was entirely from scratch with HTML/CSS/JS (for reasons that are not worth going into here). Until now, I have never made a personal website, but with the launch of my new company, **KarstTech**, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Markdown has been my go-to format for note taking for years now. While searching for an easy way to make this website, I stumbled upon [Hugo](https://gohugo.io), a static site generator that is written in Go. It boasts speed, security, and a great templating engine which uses markdown to structure content. For the very short time that I have been using it, it seems like the perfect fit for my needs. This website will be a central place to share my projects, thoughts, and ideas, as well as a landing page for KarstTech. If you would like to see how it is built, I decided to make the source code available at [code.karsttech.com](https://code.karsttech.com). ![Alt text](figure.jpg "Image caption")