Creating Your Signature
- Enter your name in the text field
- Choose a font style from the dropdown menu
- Toggle 'Invert' if you need a white signature on dark background
- Click 'Go!' to generate your signature
Using Your Signature
- Your signature will automatically download
- Click the signature to copy it to your clipboard
- Paste or drag-and-drop the signature into your document. You can use LibreOffice, or any other document editor!
- Resize the signature image and place it on the signature line in your document
- Print your signed document or save it as a PDF
- You or the document recipient can use the QR code to verify the signature's authenticity
- Use the QR code or provided URL
- Check the timestamp and original details from when the signature was registered
- Compare the displayed signature with the one in your document, they should be pixel-perfect identical
Are these signatures legally binding?
They absolutely can be! Read more about it here
Under the ESIGN Act, some types of documents CAN NOT BE SIGNED ELECTRONICALLY. This includes:
- Marriage, Birth, and Death certificates
- Wills, codicils, and testamentary trusts
- Depending on your state, "DNR" orders, general powers of attorney, and any document which specifies a physical signature.
In summary (for the USA) all ESIGN Act requirements can be met:
- By generating the signature, and choosing to use it in a document, you are demonstrating intent to sign.
- By using the signature you are consenting to do business electronically with those you are signing with.
- The Opt-out clause is not applicable to generating a signature, since you can always choose not to use it.
- All signers must recieve "Fully Executed" and fully signed copies of the document for the signature to be legally binding.
- You may be required to retain digital records of the document under the ESIGN Act.