How To Use
Creating Your Signature
- Enter your name in the text field
- Choose a font style from the dropdown menu
- Toggle 'Invert' if you need a white signature on dark background
- Click 'Go!' to generate your signature
Using Your Signature
- Your signature will automatically download
- Click the signature to copy it to your clipboard
- Paste or drag-and-drop the signature into your document. You can use LibreOffice, or any other document editor!
- Resize the signature image and place it on the signature line in your document
- Print your signed document or save it as a PDF
- You or the document recipient can use the QR code to verify the signature's authenticity
- Use the QR code or provided URL
- Check the timestamp and original details from when the signature was registered
- Compare the displayed signature with the one in your document, they should be pixel-perfect identical